Important dates:
System open for abstract’s submission - March 1st, 2022
System closed for abstract submission - May 16th, 2022 May 31st, 2022
Abstracts evaluation by Scientific Committee - June 1st – June 20th,2022
Notification of abstract acceptance or rejection - June 20th – June 31st, 2022
Guidelines for abstract preparation and submission
Only registered participant may submit an abstract.
Please choose a title that clearly indicates the content of the contribution.
Please avoid abbreviations in the title (exception: scientific terms). Abbreviations may be used in the text if they are defined when used first.
Please make sure to use proper English language.
Please DO NOT spell abstract titles and co-authors' names in capital letters.
The author‘s name (full first name, family name) and place of work (institution, city, country) should be indicated in the respective form fields, not in the abstract title.
Degrees, titles, street addresses and acknowledgements of support should be omitted in the abstract title and text.
Please indicate presenting author.
To provide maximum information in the abstract please: 
please choose preference for oral or poster presentation
state the specific background & objective of the study
state the methods used, if pertinent
summarise the results obtained
state the conclusions reached
ensure that the abstract does not contain spelling, grammar or scientific errors, as it will be reproduced exactly as submitted.
Abstracts are to be submitted in English, the official language of the 30th EATCB Congress, should not exceed 290 words (in total) and be structured in the following specified subtitles: background & objective, methods, results and conclusion. 
Authors need to select key words (field) when they are submitting an abstract* 
Notification of acceptance or rejection by the Scientific Committee will be emailed to the submitting author. Detailed information in which format the abstract is accepted (oral or poster presentation) as well as guidelines and recommendations for each abstract type will be sent shortly after notifications to registered submitting authors.
Topics to be choosen and inditated from: etical and legal issues, donation, procurement, processing and storage, traceability, quality and safety, starting materials, ocular tissues, musculoskeletal tissues, cardiovascular tissues, reproductive tissues, amniotic membrane, skin, nerves, pancreatic islets, cell terapies  

Abstract Submission Form